Friday, February 13, 2009

Service Learning #2

One of the reasons I wont have the same kids every week is that the same classes don’t meet every Friday for periods one two and three. I got new shoes after my old ones shit out, and they were my only choice of walking shoes for today. I am sorry to say that I now have horrendous blisters on the back of my footsies, and it hurts more with every step. I had to call out of work between that, my heel pain, and my arch trouble.
Today was the day before vacation so focus just wasn’t going to happen. In addition, the reading is fun program was going on (25% school and 75% government funded kids can go pick out one book each to own, this happens three times a semester). My advisor, Mr. Mitrelis, was nowhere to be found, so I teamed up with another teacher for periods one and two. Period three I was back with Mr. Mitrelis. The other teacher makes a lot of jokes and doesn’t have the same tone, but he doesn’t control the class as well as Mr. Mitrelis does. Notes:

· Pictures:
Earn “greenebucks” for good behavior redeemable for activities and things from the school store
I notice that rule number 1 is to attend school. I never had this as a key rule at any of my schools. It is posted all over Nathanael greene
“Rosa sat so martin could walk so Obama could run so we can fly as one” iconic imagery = good
The classroom rules as a mural on a wall. The students shown here are majority of color, just like the school it is in. I would not see something like this, where I come from school pictures and murals would be lucky to have “the token black kid” somewhere in a back corner
Does anyone else notice that the boys get the manly john deere esque hunt camp shirts with the greene “deer” and the girls get Barbie pink with butterflies? Also minority representation I wouldn’t have seen at bacon academy.
School greeter, carved Indian. Seems out of place. What is the actual mascot of Nathanael Greene?!?

General Suggestions/ How to be a good teacher:
Music in background- different from what they are used to
Schedule of class on syllabus/ board everyday
Teach about rules of society/ culture of power/ common sense- “don’t write anything you wouldn’t want your principle to read”
Make it interesting (writing prompts: 1. Romeo and _?_ 2. the memorable meal 3. I just got a car but I forgot to learn how to drive 4. first day my way)
Start harsh-> easen up more effective then start lax-> try to get harder
Set rules on the first day, reinforce and repeat them.
Stick to what you say… be consistent
Ask kids at end of activity what worked and what didn’t- evaluations
No assumptions (if you tell the story of charnoble, you have to explain what charnoble was/ give background)
Encourage kids to make connections (personal life->in class) (class->class)
Hands on learning effective to teach self- not others
Keep kids involved- check in with entire room and pull attention back together

Questions/ Talking Points:
Kids of color loud/ confident vs. white kids withdrawn/ quiet (general trend)
Let kids pick their own groups vs. picking for them (pick own= someone is always left out, pick for them= a bunch of unhappy kids. Help the majority or the minority- who is more important)
Group projects- do all members to learn information/contribute?
Presenting to class instead of having teacher teach it-> effective/lazy?
Singling out one group as example over and over-> good/bad?
Teacher that makes jokes and is a little less firm= less control over room, teacher that is firm but a bit boring and strict= has good control-> healthy balance?

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